Friday 5 August 2011

Causes of adult acne

Although the cause of adult acne is unknown, this can be caused by hormones, cosmetics, resistant to stress and bacterial growth. Especially women feel often tensyón before signaling flares, often around the legs.
cause of adult acne
Adult Acne can really be added to the crimp in your life. Last year, for example, a new photo showing herself Christine your web site to see the company Janssen, but ultimately resisted the idea. "I just want to bring my acne with a paper bag on my head," said Janssen, 41, who heads the Manhattan research marketing companies.

cause of adult acneSkin problem afflicts nearly everyone grows, but some were never caught, said Jonette Keri, MD, PhD, University of Miami Miller School of medicine and the VA Medical Center, Miami's leading dermatology, Assistant Professor of Dermatology. It is estimated that nearly 30% of them women and 20% of 20-60 years, people (and so on) which are interrupted by a volcanic eruption.
How to treat adult acne?

It is difficult to treat adult acne. Most of the lifestyle of acne is a poor choice for teen mature dry skin, oily skin. Keri often requires efficient and error approach takes time, said. The recommendations are as follows:

Detergent: Cetaphil Aquanil and lighter. To avoid too strong a gel containing beads or granules, rough and can irritate sensitive skin.

Cream and cleaning preparations put up for sale, clean the pores: free Retinol and reduce wrinkles in the product help. To prevent cracking and fading acne scars containing glikolat acid and salicylic acid with the product. And by using the function venue, escape, benzoyl peroxide, which helps kill the germs.
cause of adult acne
Drugs: Clindamycin topical antibiotic bacteria to help fight skin. Thus, the second is the antibiotic tetracycline, taken orally. Oral contraceptives and blood pressure drug spironolactone, helps balance hormones. The Gel contains antibiotics, dapsone, helps to fight infection and inflammation of acne is involved in.

High tech solutions: Laser and pulsed light treatment priorities indicated by the blue light therapy, a scar, but treatment to kill the bacteria that causes acne. The process is expensive, but the first to explore other options.
It's # 1 acne blackheads blackheads started, usually on the ground, they are, in fact, oil and dead cells trapped in pores where they never prevent a veil and a mix of results from bacteria. After this, they turn black when exposed to air. The red button when you develop inflamed blackheads will spread and dirty hands. When the bud is infected, develop a pustule or Whitehead. They can break and cause scars.

Then throw away points ()? According to dermatologist with soft, Seth Magazine InStyle Matarasso San Francisco. People usually brush too hard which causes inflammation, he said. Rough scrub Matarasso, rather than trying to propose, in the alpha hydroxy acid in the scrub. The good thing is pure focus in the pores of Lancome for the brush. You can also use the salicylic acid cleaner, such as cleaning, jeopardize the happiness of the milk. These chemicals to clean the pores is better than nitrophilous Scrubs. The magic of the bands Biore pore perfect to get rid of the risk of their own, are in place.

This is the # 2: adult acne, a number of reasons: they are bad stress, cosmetic, hormones and birth peniksenä. Stress causes the early oil glands. Bad bacteria in the pores of cosmetics lead the charge. Hormones and glands sebacuous, overact, and pills can cause rashes associated with Androgen.

To keep the whole Bay, oil-clock-free products, like acnegenic Clinique moisturizing cleansing oils are different and free Gel for Neutrogena.

Fact # 3:, cheese and chocolate to do with your own skin for acne, however, will benefit from the face of management., for Why? Because acne is not curable, it is rather good for skin conditions and skin host to know exactly what you need: sulfur, zinc, and input masks, camphor, Exfoliation, extraction of rather black and home monitoring.

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